Educators receive 10% off every purchase after you Register as an Educator.
Our simple wooden building block helps teachers and students reach their greatest potential.
Teachers have the huge task of helping every child succeed.
Classrooms are filled with students who are brilliant, students with disabilities, students with hard family lives, among many other needs. Many kids go to school feeling overwhelmed by subjects they don't understand or classes that seem irrelevant.
We help teachers create an engaging learning environment that works with their students' diverse needs, within their limited time.

KEVA planks give teachers a tool that is inclusive and makes it easy to teach any subject in an engaging way.
How to Purchase
We work with schools and other educational institutions every day and do our best to make it easy.
Educator Discount
Register as an educator to get 10% off all products. For libraries, teachers, homeschoolers, afterschool leaders, camps, therapy centers, and a variety of other public-good focused programs. Sign in to see your lower prices.
Get a Quote & W-9
Get an official quote quickly and easily online by selecting the Quote option at checkout. Click here to download our W-9.
Purchase Orders
We gladly accept Purchase Orders. You may email them to, or checkout online.
Check our FAQ page. Or if you have questions about ordering, email or call us at 540-515-5111.
Focuses the masses
“One thing I love about the KEVA planks is that it can be done as a day starter, the day ender, or the five minutes before lunch. It takes little to no time to pass out materials and solve a problem, but it does take LOTS of creativity and imagination! It really focuses the masses!”
Rhonda H. | K-5 Educator, Department Chairman | MathScience Innovation Center
Class time flew by
“I am a teacher of the gifted in Kansas. I was eager to see what my jaded 6th grade students would do with KEVA and they were soon engulfed in the activity. Our class time literally flew by too quickly. I have used the planks with students from kindergarten to sixth grade and they all universally love your product and beg to have a "KEVA Day."”
Rich F. | Gifted Teacher | Ravenwood Elementary
My students are hooked.
"Love this product. Worked with them at a children's museum and wanted to have them in my 6th grade STEM centered classroom. My students are hooked. They wanted to stay in the class and continue to work with the planks instead of going to lunch and recess! I have NEVER heard of that before!"
Recommended by every person
"KEVA Planks have been recommended by every person I have contacted for suggestions and have shown up over and over in my research."
Jennifer Hunt, Teacher
Impacted ALL of my classes
"You have no idea how much KEVA has impacted ALL of my classes! Kindergartners-fifth graders, 3 different levels of highly autistic classes all love them."
Ginger L., STEM teacher
Great for all ages and abilities
“The KEVA Planks have been a HUGE hit at my school. I have found them to be great for all ages and ability levels. They are helpful for fine motor practice and basic counting for special needs students. I even have used them with my class of students who have been expelled from other schools for behavior issues. This is a tough group, and they need opportunities to work together, take turns, negotiate, communicate effectively, and help one another. I use Keva Plank projects as a way to foster these behaviors in all students, even those who usually have difficulty working well with others.”
Jean-Marie G. | Teacher | Terra Centre